概念 Concept
“懸 Float”是⼀個立體裝置,以摩打為軸使物件產生重複性行為。這個裝置主要靈感來⾃於我們⽇常中躊躇不定的⼩情緒。很多時候想要前進卻沒有力氣,不知道該如何去驅動⾃己。這些⼼心理矛盾並不是起伏很大的感情,但卻能消耗掉我們⼀整天的時間。我們嘗試把這種內⼼的拉鋸用另⼀種方式展示出來,其前進和停頓的時間構成獨特的節奏,演繹徘徊。讓它化作安穩的、細⽔長流的時光。
作品曾在東南樓 1950 Heritage Art Fair 展出.
“Float”, a kinetic installation motivated by stepper motors and micro-computers. It was inspired by the tiny emotion struggles between moving on or back and forth hesitations in daily lives. The mental insecurity led to lack-of motivations. These non-heavy emotions can be a whole day irritation. We try to perform this kind of psychological contradiction through mutual confrontation. The never-ended actions create a unique tempo and immerse into a slow but long time.
Has exhibited in Tung Lam Lou 1950 Heritage Art Fair.
Collaboration work with : Chung Tsz Kei